A New Era in Taiwan's History

Lung-chu Chen

March 18, 2000 was a glorious day in Taiwan's history. On that day, the Taiwanese voters, with wisdom, courage, and confidence, wrote a new chapter in Taiwan's history, electing DPP's Chen Shui-bian and Annette Lu as the new President and Vice-president. It had been a long yet worthwhile wait for the Taiwanese. The struggle of the Taiwanese both at home and abroad for more than five decades has finally made their dream come true.

The outcome of the presidential election has made it abundantly clear that the Taiwanese want a change. Wiping out black gold, the periodic rotation of ruling political parties, and honest politics are the intense demands and expectations of the people. The Taiwanese voters have waken up, and cannot be easily intimidated by Chinese coercion. The Taiwanese wish to be masters of their own destiny and are determined to defend their sovereignty and dignity.

Democracy means respect for people's wishes. It relies on ballots rather than guns, reason rather than violence. Although the campaigning was highly negative, the whole process was peaceful until all the votes had been counted.
Once the election outcome was known, however, violent protests in front of the KMT headquarters erupted, causing disorder and disturbance. It was regrettable and deplorable. Democracy and the rule of law are closely linked. It is essential that voters learn to accept the election outcome rationally and discontinue the protests immediately.

Taiwan's presidential election has attracted world-wide attention. Taiwan's democratic experience under duress was a profile in courage. President-elect Chen Shui-bian has repeatedly expressed his sincerity and good will toward China for establishing peaceful relations. It is hoped that China will reciprocate in the same spirit.

With the forthcoming peaceful transfer of power, president Chen will be entrusted with a heavy responsibility for leading and governing the country. May God bless him and his team. Meanwhile, the Taiwanese would do well to ask themselves: how can they assist the new President and his team, and what they together can do for their country.