Truth Will Make Taiwan Free

Chen Lung-chu (³¯¶©§Ó)

It has been two weeks now since President Lee Teng-hui's statement that the cross-straits relationship is a state-to-state relationship. That was a belated justice. But better late than never. By telling the truth, President Lee has inspired most of his fellow citizens, but has shocked China, the United States, and perhaps the rest of the world. And reactions, including war-mongering, continue to reverberate. Why truth is so hard to take? Because people sometimes prefer to live in a make-believe world, to profit from myths, which is exactly the case with the so-called "One China" policy that has ignored or downplayed the existence of Taiwan as an island nation.

"Taiwan, China, one side one country" has been a fact of life for years. Returning to the truth is the beginning of wisdom. Ever since the People's Republic of China came into being in October 1949, it has never controlled or governed Taiwan for a single day. The transformation from "One China, with two equal political entities" to a "special state-to-state relationship" has removed many elements of the "creative ambiguity." This will contribute to the nurturing of the self-respect, national identity and consciousness of the Taiwanese people. Instead of securing China's good will, KMT's long echo of the "one China" policy was leading the island nation to an extremely dangerous path. The ambiguous "One China" policy has not brought national security and stability to Taiwan, but has become the greatest menace to Taiwan's national security and survival. We have been gratified that President Lee took the courageous and decisive step before it was too late. All true Taiwanese are strongly behind the President.

It has been a moment of truth for the Taiwanese people. Soul-searching continues. The task ahead is challenging ¢w how to sustain and enhance Taiwan as a free, democratic, and prosperous country in the face of a hostile and totalitarian neighbor.
It should also be a moment of truth for the United States and all other countries truly concerned with the future of Taiwan and the peace and security in East Asia and the Western Pacific. Why not take a critical look at the outdated policy of "One China"? Yes, there is China, but there is also Taiwan. Truth will make Taiwan free.
(Dr. Chen Lung-chu is the founder and chairman of Chen Lung-chu New Century Foundation, a Think-Tank.)